Erosion Control Services
Erosion Control is probably the most serious & expensive problem for stormwater ponds. Erosion repair costs often climb to hundreds of thousands & sometimes millions of dollars.
Beautiful Ponds can rebuild most eroded shorelines. More importantly, the Beautiful Ponds lake management program stops erosion before it progresses to a dangerous & costly level. Almost all stormwater repair projects are in the mild to moderate category.
Most communities recognize erosion problems before repair is necessary. Shoreline protection & stabilization with aquatic plants & filter zones is all they need.
Here are some articles to help you take charge of your community’s erosion risks.
Top 10 Causes of Erosion
Solutions to moderate erosion: bulkheads & geotextile reinforcements
Solutions to severe erosion: closed cell & concrete reinforcements
Local Erosion Repair Projects
Impacts of erosion

This two-foot drop posed a safety risk for dog walkers, children & landscape mowers.

When this lakeshore eroded, the homeowner on the left (closer to the lake) lost his homeowners insurance because his house was too close to the lake.

Irrigation pipes are clearly in the water. It’s better to recognize erosion early. Fortunately for this community, the back yards were particularly deep & this erosion did not threaten landscape or the homes.

Low-cost, amateur repairs like this are unsightly, unprofessional & prone to failure. Don’t let a well-meaning, volunteer handyman fix your erosion.

Tilapia (fish) compound erosion. The circles in the sand were all dug out by fish. See Fish Stocking & Harvesting for more information on these fish.

This community didn’t recognize an erosion problem.
Contact Beautiful Ponds before your erosion gets any worse. Learn how to
evaluate erosion
prioritize the erosion areas
formulate a restoration plan