Aquatic Plant Design & Installation
Why should we install aquatic plants around a lake? The simplest answer is because that’s what Mother Nature does.

Bare shore with more algae
Here are the reasons scientists have proven plants help lakes.
Stops erosion
Provides shade that stops algae
Reduces water temperature
Increase oxygen in the water
Improves wildlife habitat
Plants intercept nutrients entering the lake
Increases lake biodiversity
Provides habitat for creatures that clean the water
Makes a sterile, utility pond look more like a natural lake
Many books are written about each of these topics. Each bit of research gives us another reason to mimic Mother Nature.

Shore with aquatic plants
Most communities embrace shoreline plantings for the following reasons:
The financial risk of erosion repair
Algae blooms are increasing; turning the lake into an eyesore
The shoreline birds have disappeared
The community wants to increase their environmental stewardship
County or state requires the plants
Once the plants are installed & matured for a few months, birds visit your ponds more. People are able to enjoying the birds. They can feel proud that their lakes are havens for wildlife. Less noticeable to most people is that these shoreline plants are saving them hundreds of thousands of dollars per lake for erosion repair & dredging.

20 volunteers install 400 plants in two hours, then retire to the clubhouse for well-deserved brunch.
Beautiful Ponds plants shorelines, littoral zones, wetlands & upland preserves. Whether a community choice or agency requirement, contact Beautiful Ponds to discuss your community’s planting goals or requirements. We can install 500 or 100,000 plants.